
Apricot Academy

Part 6: Compound Interest

Part 6: Compound Interest

Compound interest is like the special fertilizer that makes those trees grow bigger and produce more fruit over time.

Part 5: Portfolio

Part 5: Portfolio

Let's build on our gardening analogy where investing is like planting a tree. In this case, the portfolio is your whole garden – with all the different seeds (stocks, bonds, ETFs) in it.

Part 4: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

Part 4: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

Welcome back to The Apricot Investor’s Glossary series, where we take complex terminology and turn it into bite-sized pieces of knowledge, perfect for seasoned investors and newbies alike.

Part 3: Bonds

Part 3: Bonds

Think of it as loans you give to governments or companies, like Armenian government bonds*. You lend them money for a set period (maturity date), and they pay you interest (coupon) in return. When the bond matures, you get your initial investment (principal) back.

Part 2: Stocks

Part 2: Stocks

Think of it as owning a tiny piece of a company, like Apple or Google*. When the company performs well, its stock price goes up, potentially bringing you capital gains. If the company struggles, the price might fall, leading to losses.

This page was last updated 02.05.2024 17:14